

重要単語 Part2

bona fide adj. genuine: a bona fide Pablo Picasso; his bona fide offer (from Latin ‘with good faith’)

・mutatis mutandis adv. making necessary changes while not affecting the main point: What is true of teaching in England is equally true, mutatis mutandis, of American schools. (from L)

・relinquish v. give up: relinquish all hope

・inimical adj.
1. harmful to sth: the policy was inimical to Britain’s real interests
2. unfriendly: an inimical stare
(from Latin inimicus ‘enemy’ )

jettison v.
1. throw or drop sth from an aircraft or ship: to jettison fuel/loads
2. abandon or discard (sb or sth that is no longer wanted): the scheme was jettisoned; he was jettisoned as team coach

・circumlocution n. using more words than necessary, esp. in a deliberate attempt to be vague or evasive: his admission came after years of circumlocution ( – circumlocutory adj.)

tantalize v. to make a person or an animal want sth that they cannot have or do: Such ambitious questions have long tantalized the world’s best thinkers; the tantalizing fragrance of fried bacon

・recoil v.
1. ~ (from sth/sb) to move your body quickly away from sth/sb because you find it frightening or unpleasant: He recoiled in horror at the sight of the corpse
2. ~ (from sth/ from doing sth) to react to an idea or a situation with strong dislike or fear: She recoiled from the idea of betraying her own brother.
3. ~ (on/upon) (of moral action) to have an adverse reactive effect on: His evil deed will recoil on him.

palatable adj.
1. ~ (to sb) pleasant or acceptable to sb: Some of the dialogue has been changed to make it more palatable to an American audience.
2. having a pleasant or acceptable taste (food or drink)

rectitude n. morally correct behaviour; righteousness: Mattie is a model of rectitude.
(from Latin rectus ‘right, straight’)