



・discrete adj. individually separate and distinct: You can observe four discrete stages in the process.

・discreet adj. careful and prudent in speech or actions: discreet inquiries; discreet about his love affairs

・discretion n.
1. the quality of being discreet: Discretion is the better part of valor. (諺); This is confidential, but I know I can rely on your discretion.
2. the freedom or power to decide what should be done: How much to tell terminally ill patients is left to the discretion of the doctor.

circumspect adj. wary and unwilling to take risks: The officials were very circumspect in their statements.

・gratuitous adj.
1. done without good reason: gratuitous violence on television
2. given or done free of charge  (from Latin gratuitus ‘given freely, spontaneous’)

・quaint adj. attractive in an unusual or old-fashioned way: quaint old customs; a quaint seaside village

・incur v.
1. if you incur sth unpleasant, you are in a situation in which you have to deal with it: She had incurred the wrath of her father by marrying without his consent.
2. if you incur costs, you have to pay them: You risk incurring bank charges if you exceed your overdraft limit.

・far-fetched adj. unlikely and unconvincing; difficult to believe: the theory sounded bizarre and far-fetched.

・contravene v. to do sth that is not allowed by a law or rule (SYN: infringe): The company was found guilty of contravening safety regulations.

・appease v. (often disapproving) to make sb calmer or less angry by giving them what they want: Management tried to appease labour by offering them a bonus.