


Just a mumble...

Individuals can not live without society. But why does it seem to be the case that nowadays (since when? I do not know perhaps after 1980s?) majority of more and more people (especially in Japan) do not care about or are not aware of what …

Reading Meetings on Freedom

Recently, I have started to participate in informal reading meetings regularly held among PhD students who study political theory. So far I have read two well-known papers (shown below) both related to the concept of freedom. They illumina…

Students' Winter of Discontent may be Coming

(from Cartoon: Steve Bell on Vince Cable's new stance on tuition fees | Opinion | The GuardianThe Guardian, 13 Oct 2010) Until 1997, university students in England had enjoyed free tuition fees just like Nordic countries. In 1998, however,…

History of Western Political Thought (Ch.1: Politics and Order)

History of Western Political Thought: A Thematic Introduction作者: John Morrow出版社/メーカー: Red Globe Press発売日: 2005/06/24メディア: ハードカバー クリック: 1回この商品を含むブログ (1件) を見るNo political thinkers can do without talki…

The End of the Universal Child Benefit

http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2010/oct/04/child-benefit-for-all-ended (Tories raise alarm as George Osborne ends child benefit for all, from The Guardian) Chancellor George Osborne has announced today that the Conservative government …