



・fortuitous adj. happening by chance rather than intention: The similarity between the paintings may not be simply fortuitous.

・proxy n.
1. [U] the authority that you give to sb to do sth for you, when you cannot do it yourself: You can vote either in person or by proxy.
2. [C, U] ~(for sb) a person who has been given the authority to represent sb else: She acted as a proxy for her husband in the vote.

・inexorable adj. impossible to stop or prevent: the inexorable process of aging; the inexorable rise of crime

・embezzle v. to steal money that you are responsible for or that belongs to your employer: He was found guilty of embezzling 150,000 pounds of public funds.

・qualm n.[usu. pl.] ~(about sth) a feeling of doubt or worry about whether what you are doing is right: He had been working very hard so he had no qualm about taking a few days off.
(SYN misgiving: we have misgivings about the way the campaign is being run.)

・demise adj.
1. the end or failure of an enterprise or institution: the demise of industry
2. a person’s death (formal or humorous): his imminent/sudden/sad demise

maudlin adj. (SYN sentimental)
1. talking in a silly, emotional way, often full of pity for yourself, esp. when drunk: He turned maudlin after three drinks.
2. (of a book, film or song) expressing exaggerated emotions, esp. in a way that is not sincere [disapproving]: hugely entertaining (if over-long and maudlin) film

deft adj. skilful and quick in one’s movements: deft hands/fingers/ footwork
callous adj. not caring about other people’s feelings or suffering: a callous attitude/killer/comment; a callous disregard for the feeling of others (SYN cruel; unfeeling)

heinous adj. [usu. before n.] (formal) morally very bad: a heinous crime (SYN odious ‘extremely unpleasant’)