

労働党党首選の結果が面白い (in English)

(Ed and David Miliband)

(Ralph Miliband)

I have always felt some problems in my English writing. A friend of mine suggested today that I should avoid reading and writing in Japanese as much as possible. So I will try writing my blog in English too.

Recently the leadership election for the labour party was carried out. The campaign was virtually between two 'Milibands', an elder brother David(1965-) and younger Ed (1969-). Against some major opinion polls, it was Ed, who was eventually elected as the new leader of the labour party.

This result seems to make British politics more interesting, for Ed's political standpoint is said to be more left than his brother David, who is said to be closer to Tony Blair's new labour. Ed seems to represent the interest of trade unions and public services, somewhat showing a contrast with the Conservative's emphasis on spending cut, so we can expect the policy difference between the two parties to be much clearer from now on. British politics could be more dynamic.

The other thing which strikes me is the fact that the father of Ed and David is the famous Marxist political theorist Ralph Miliband (1924-1994). I've always wondered how his influence on Ed and David was like. Then I found a good article and video on BBC:

(What influence did Ralph Miliband have on his sons?)

The article tells us many interesting episodes (not only about the relationship between Ralph and his sons, but also between their mother and sons, as well as, of course, between brothers), though does not examine Ralph's ideological influence in much detail, which is a pity (it's worth reading though). When either Ed or David writes a memoir, I pretty much feel like reading it. Could be better than Blair's 'A Journey'.

Ralph Miliband And The Politics Of The New Left

Ralph Miliband And The Politics Of The New Left

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Capitalist Democracy in Britain (Oxford Paperbacks)

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Parliamentary Socialism: A Study in the Politics of Labour

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